Governance Model

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Our corporate governance model values the commitment to ethics in decision-making processes. All practices are based on reference documents, such as the Code of Ethics and the Bylaws, always following the guidelines of corporate responsibility, accountability, transparency, equity and collegiate decisions oriented towards consensus between the parties involved, always with a view long term.

Our governance structure is made up of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, responsible for electing the members of the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council. The Board of Directors is composed of 5 full members, 1 independent, with a 2-year term of office, and is assisted by 2 Committees: Audit Committee and People and Sustainability Management Committee. The Fiscal Council is composed of 3 full members and an equal number of alternates, with an annual mandate.

Among its duties, the Board of Directors is responsible for electing the Executive Board, composed of 3 Statutory Officers and 3 Non-Statutory Officers.

To guide our business and operating principles, we have adopted a Code of Ethics, the review of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 07/31/2014. We also have an Internal Audit area, responsible for meeting an annual monitoring schedule.

Our Policies are tools to guide and formalize norms and processes, based on the best Corporate Governance practices, and are available on our website for consultation.

We have an Investor Relations area, responsible for interacting with shareholders, investors, analysts, regulators, and other entities in the Capital Market. We have disclosed our financial results in IFRS (International Finance Reporting Standard) since 2010, and we have held quarterly conference calls in Portuguese and English with the capital market on the disclosure of results and other matters of interest.